Top Tips for the Shoestring Traveler

Top tips for the shoestring traveler, shoestring, shoestring travel tips, Wildly Intrepid

Some people believe that traveling is too expensive unless you have a big budget. Using these following simple tips lets turn those 2 weeks into 2 months. You will be surprised how comfortable travel can be on a shoestring. The big expenses tend to be transportation, accommodations, food, and activities.  Depending on what your needs are some of these suggestions might not work for you but these are a few tips on how we saved.

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Shoestring Transportation

Transportation can often be one of the most expensive parts of travel. The plane ticket alone will likely be your biggest expense. Finding cheap flights has everything to do with patience. Look around for a while then finally grab that cheaper ticket you have been waiting for. Use more affordable transportation by following one simple rule; Do what the locals do. That is avoid using forms of transportation that you would rarely find a local using.  Stay away from tour bus, taxi’s, and shuttles. These are often over priced and can eat up a big portion or your budget. Instead take public transit, it can be a little slow at times but for a few cents to a few dollars you can get almost anywhere.  Rent a bike or a scooter which can run you as low as 3$ to 5$ for a daily bike rental.  Even some car rentals can be very affordable with a small group to split the costs.  Lastly the infamous hitchhiking is very easy and from what we could tell and heard quite safe (location dependent). It’s always nice sharing a story with a stranger while passing the time on a long ride.

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Shoestring Accommodation

Obviously accommodations can also eat up a big chunk of your daily budget. Although if you are not too picky about your living quarters and just need a place to rest your head at night then hostels and home stays will be your best friends. If you are traveling with a friend it is often more affordable to get a room together rather than going in a dorm.  If you’re lucky you might meet other like minded individuals to swap stories with. Just enjoying a beer with stranger might reward you with some amazing memories. Camping is also found all over and is quite affordable but can be tricky when you want to leave your stuff behind securely. Couch surfing and crashing at a friend’s works better than anything. You meet new exciting people with lots of knowledge about the area and sometimes you get a free tour guide to show you around.

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Shoestring Food

Food is one of those expenses that is often overlooked but just like anything else it can add up fast. Deciding whether you should cook or eat out can be tricky because unless you spend a lot of time in one location and cook larger portions for multiple meals it can end up costing you more to cook your own meals. If you like the extravagant dinning you may want to consider bringing a bigger budget or cooking every now and then. With a little looking around you can often get a large meal for 10-15$ in a more expensive country, all the way down to a couple dollars in a less wealthy country.

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Shoestring Activities

Activities I have left for last because everyone has different interests.  If you like the guided tour thing it’s going to run your bill up very fast. It can be hard to find anything under 100$. For the curious local guide can provide valuable information about all the hot-spots and neat things to see and do. I then do a little research to find out how to get to the location and talk to locals to get as much info as possible before heading out on my own tour.  Guided by my own two feet and the information at hand. Your own tour allows you to follow only your own itinerary. Enjoy the beauty a few minutes longer because you can. Although some tours can be very rewarding and memorable so be sure to weed out the not so good from the great. Ask a lot of questions about the activity, the food provided, the gear provided, group size etc. Be sure you know exactly what you are signing up for. That way your money will go to your best and favorite activities.

shoestring travel planning

My goal in writing this article is to save you money to later spend where you would really like. In the end hopefully allowing you to travel longer.  Keeping your money in your pockets until it needs to be used for the amazing experiences to come.

Live Wildly Intrepid!

Carpe Diem


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