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Hikes of Western Newfoundland

Katie Broadhurst and I embarked in a long endeavor of hiking hundreds of kilometers and writing our first hiking book titled “Hikes of Western Newfoundland” in 2014. A few years later, 2020 the second one “Hikes of Newfoundland” came out as we worked with two other authors and Boulder Publications. The newest hiking guideĀ covers the whole island.

Colourful pages include a short description, interesting facts, access points, a small map along with beautiful pictures. Start your hiking adventure by either purchasing it on our affiliate link onĀ Amazon, this helps us fund this website. You can also purchase it at Mountain Equipment Coop, Chapters/Indigo, one of the local bookstore or directly with Boulder Publications.

If you are interested in seeing some of the gear that we use in action watch this playlist. It features reviews on gear that we love.