3 Peaks Hike for Adrenaline Seekers

3 Peaks hike for adrenaline seekers, Olomana hike, Oahu hiking, hiking Hawaii, Widly intrepid

Hiking comes in all forms and shapes. The Olomana Range offers three peaks unlike any others. Nestled in Maunawili on the East side of Oahu in Hawaii 3 Peaks hike brings hiking to a new level while adding some aspects of free climbing.

3 Peaks hike

After passing the guard’s gate of the golf course walk for about 10-15 minutes. The trailhead should be on your right, there is a sign. 3 Peaks hike starts off gently through lush vegetation, jungle-like along with wild pigs and a birds’ symphony. It then opens up into the ridgeline where you will walk through a section of bright orange clay, watch out it can be slippery. With the first peak being the highest at 500 meters (1643 feet) it rewards one with 360 degree view of the ocean, the Olomana Range, jagged mountains and the cities of Kailua, Maunawili and Kanehoe.

3 Peaks hike

3 Peaks hike Wildly Intrepid
Arch on the way up the second peak

This trail consists of three peaks with the first and second being the easiest to reach. Put aside your fear of heights and get out of your comfort zone as the trail meanders along a ridge.

3 Peaks hike

Multiple ropes assist you in precarious areas. Refrain from hiking if it rains or is extremely windy.  3 Peaks hike takes about 3 to 5 hours round-trip for a total of  8 kilometers (5 miles).

3 Peaks hike
Going down from the 2nd peak, third one up ahead

I  personally think that the climb down from the second peak to then hike back up towards the third peak is what really pushed my comfort zone. I had to put my pride aside and stop at the arch really close to the third peak while Cory kept on hiking to the top. My legs just did not want to go any further and I could not trick my mind anymore. Maybe next time. 3 Peaks hike is by far the most intense hike I have ever done and it was well worth it. Hawaii offers many adventures.


Live Wildly Intrepid!
Carpe Diem

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